Reserve Timber: Victorian Wormy Chestnut

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Reserve Timber: Victorian Wormy Chestnut


Read: No need to purchase in this shop here, email for a complete quote with the drum and freight included in one. Any purchases through this shop will then require an additional invoice and payment for the drum and freight costs. This timber must be purchased for the construction of one of our drums.
Prices do not include your local duties and taxes.

Wormy Chestnut (Eucalyptus obliqua/sieberi/fastigata) is a combination of several Eucalypt species including Messmate. This specific example is very local to us having been harvested in our region Gippsland. Wormy Chestnut features a unique rustic aesthetic with bold black squiggly markings created by the Ambrosia beetle that weaved its tracks through the tree. At approximately 800kg/m3 density this is considered a fairly hard timber.

Purchase a drum in this material for mid to high range tunings. Tuned at its lowest, snares in this material can produce a meaty punch with a pure underlying pitch particularly with dampening assistance. As the drum is tuned up, it should retain its great body with the addition of a dry throaty crack and musical ping.

Limited timber: We have previously produced two full kits from this material, as well as several snare drums. There is now enough remaining to produce x2 snare drums.

Price: Add $150 to the drum size and model of your choice.

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